NAMLA Student Chapter at FIU is the student chapter affiliated with The National Association of Minority Landscape (NAMLA) which is a 501(c)(3) organization. NAMLA at FIU looks to understand the needs, desires, and attitudes of the student body within the department of landscape architecture. Our mission is to provide a culture that allows everyone to feel represented by increasing minority representation at all levels of landscape architecture practice and academia. NAMLA’s at FIU purpose is to guide and expose students to the academic and professional communities of landscape architecture by providing educational and career development assistance to minorities Landscape Architect students and members while confronting the structural racism that has disproportionately kept people of color and minority members from having decision-making roles on how our landscapes are programmed, designed, and taught. NAMLA at FIU seeks to empower our student chapter and members to foster justice and equity in communities of minorities through education, outreach, community advocacy, community engagement, professional development, and design justice. This shall be accomplished through, but not limited to outreach education, career development, research, scholarships, financial and grant opportunities, and volunteer events designed to serve underrepresented communities.
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