Career Partners Experience
Career Partners is a comprehensive 2-hour training designed to empower FIU faculty and staff with the tools needed to engage in meaningful career development conversations with students.
We recognize that career-related discussions occur across our university, not just within our office. Career Partners is a vital component in fostering a culture of career readiness and equipping our students for the workforce. During this training, attendees will explore various career resources and services, developmental theories, and FIU Handshake, our central platform for internships and job opportunities.
Participants will learn the appropriate times and methods for referring students and employers to Career and Talent Development. Additionally, they will gain insights into the NACE Principles, which guide internships and on-campus employer recruitment. Future training dates and times will be posted on the professional development website.
Upon completing the 2-hour training, participants will receive a certificate and two hours of professional development credits. Since its launch, over 100 FIU faculty and staff members have completed the training, contributing to the development of a strong career readiness culture.
Future opportunities to participate in the Career Partners Experience will be announced soon. Stayed tuned to this page.