Expanding Your Network

Networking is a great way to find new opportunities, meet new people, and expand your professional confidence. Check out our resources down below to begin your networking journey.

Using LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows individuals to connect with other professionals, colleagues, and potential employers. It is a social media platform specifically designed for professionals to showcase their skills, experience, and education, as well as connect with other professionals in their industry. On LinkedIn, users can create a profile that includes their work experience, education, skills, and achievements. They can also connect with other professionals and join groups related to their industry. Access LinkedIn and additional LinkedIn resources.

LinkedIn Headshots

The Career and Talent Development office offers LinkedIn Headshots in person during the spring, summer and fall semesters, at MMC and BBC. These events allows students to get a free professional headshot photo to use for their LinkedIn accounts and other professional opportunities. Log-in to your Handshake account to view upcoming events, search LinkedIn Headshots under “events.”

Networking at Career Events

On a semester basis, the Career and Talent Development department hosts events such as resume fest, federal government conference, and career fair to help students connect with professionals and potential employers in a variety of industries. Use these opportunities as a chance to network with professionals in your dream industries. Need some tips? Check out Career and Talent Development’s networking workshops on Handshake. Access Handshake.

The 10 Types of People You Need In Your Mentorship Circle

Do you know who’s on your personal board of directors? 

As a successful executive, whether you’re conscious of it or not, you likely have one. Your personal board of directors is the circle of mentors who’ve helped shape and guide …

By Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec is your dedicated career development resource.
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4 Networking Tips For A Successful Career Change

Starting a new career is often exciting, especially if you will be in a field you are passionate about. The job search process can, however, be challenging without relevant experience. Many companies hiring for senior and higher-level positions prefer to …

By Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec is your dedicated career development resource.
Read more


Career Resources

The FIU Career Guide is packed with essential tools and tips to jumpstart your career journey. From crafting standout resumes …

Professional Development Workshops

Our Professional Development Workshops are offered throughout the year in-person on the Modesto A. Maidique Campus (MMC), Biscayne Bay Campus …

Fall 2024 Calendar of Events and Workshops
19th Annual Federal Conference Guide
Panther Shadows – Students/Alumni

Job Shadowing allows you to observe professionals in industry and careers of your interest in their typical work day. This …

Panther Shadows

The FIU Panther Shadows program is a one-day opportunity for FIU students and alumni to connect with employers, community partners, …

Digital Tools


We are excited to provide GoinGlobal as a resource to FIU students. GoinGlobal is an online resource which provides tools …

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning courses are available to all current students.  For Alumni Access please visit LinkedIn Learning to start an account.

Nano Tips for Building Your Leadership Brand with India Martin

Taught by India Gary-Martin
Welcome to our Nano Tips series, where LinkedIn Learning creators deliver impactful lessons in literally seconds. In this installment, join…

Storytelling and Content Creation to Transform Your Personal Brand

Taught by Ash Rathod
Storytelling gives you the power to create an engaging brand, but how can you start using it more effectively for…

How to Change Careers by Building a Powerful LinkedIn Profile

Taught by Nickquolette Barrett
Join Nickquolette Barrett as she demystifies the process of using LinkedIn for career growth. In this course, you’ll learn how…

Activating Your Courage to Increase Workplace Success

Taught by Shanita Liu
Have you ever felt nervous or uncomfortable facing uncertainty at work? It’s difficult to embody courage when apprehension takes hold.…

Nano Tips for Communicating Your Value with Diana YK Chan

Taught by Diana YK Chan
Welcome to our Nano Tips series, where LinkedIn Learning creators deliver impactful lessons in literally seconds. In this installment, gather…

Getting Ahead: How to Advocate for Your Promotion

Taught by Ana Goehner
In your career, it is important to know how to advocate for yourself. In this course, career strategist Ana Goehner…

Nano Tips for Building Your Employee Brand with Allison Peck

Taught by Allison Peck
Welcome to our Nano Tips series, where LinkedIn Learning creators deliver impactful lessons in literally seconds. In this course, Allison…

Supercharge Your LinkedIn Profile for Opportunities and Growth

Taught by Kim Kaupe
In this course, Kim Kaupe—an entrepreneur, keynote speaker, podcast host and a self-described superfan of LinkedIn—shares with you all the…

Standing Out in an HR Role

Taught by Don Phin
Changes in the workplace dynamic have opened the opportunity to step up your HR game. In this course, Don Phin—an…

Nano Tips for Demonstrating Your Transferable Skills with Diana YK Chan

Taught by Diana YK Chan
Welcome to our Nano Tips series, where LinkedIn Learning creators deliver impactful lessons in literally seconds. In this installment, Diana…

Leveraging Authenticity in the Workplace

Taught by Madecraft
Discover your authentic self in the professional realm with guidance from Sterling De Sutter Summerville. This course explores ways you…

Becoming More Memorable and Persuasive

Taught by Pete Mockaitis | How to Be Awesome at Your Job
Audiences forget about 90% of what they hear. So, how do you ensure that you leave a memorable, persuasive impression?…

Building a Portfolio Career: Diversify Your Income and Do More of What You Love

Taught by Jenny Foss
In a rapidly shifting job market, it’s important to build a career portfolio—a career where you have agility, more than…

Resume Makeover

Taught by Jenny Foss
A resume is a key tool in your job search, so how can you really make it shine? In this…

Building Thought Leadership as a Diverse Voice

Taught by Jessica Chen
Underrepresented groups (URGs) tend to face much tougher professional odds, particularly when it comes to seeking upper-level employment opportunities. In…

Nano Tips for Defining Your Personal Brand with Diana YK Chan

Taught by Diana YK Chan
Welcome to our Nano Tips series, where LinkedIn Learning creators deliver impactful lessons in literally seconds. In this installment, gather…

LinkedIn Profiles for Technical Professionals

Taught by Danny Thompson
Your LinkedIn profile can help you stand out from your competitors, colleagues, and attract exciting new career opportunities. But as…

Cybersecurity Careers: Build Your Brand in Cybersecurity

Taught by Zinet Kemal
Are you considering a career in cybersecurity, or looking to advance in the field? As with most industries, if people…

Transform Your Personal Brand

Taught by Madecraft
What’s the secret to building your brand to accelerate your professional career? In this course, join strategic marketing expert Kelli…

Nano Tips for Increasing Your Visibility at Work with Diana YK Chan

Taught by Diana YK Chan
Welcome to our Nano Tips series, where LinkedIn Learning creators deliver impactful lessons in literally seconds. In this course, Diana…

Campus Locations

Modesto A. Maidique Campus SASC 305

Tel: 305-348-2423

​Engineering Center EC 2852 

Tel: 305-348-1281

Biscayne Bay Campus WUC 253

Tel: 305-919-5770

Career Service Hours

Monday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Drop-in hours for Spring 2024 will be held in person at our CTD offices and virtually on zoom. Please click here for scheduled times and locations.